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It is our goal to link locals with local businesses. We provide information about businesses in Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. Local businesses provide special discounts through the website and app. Remember that supporting local businesses means that you care about your community.
People Are Talking About Us

best group of people to work with, they make it easy for me. It brings me new clients consistently
Royal S.
Avenue Tire
Lately, we have had numerous customers specifically referencing our ad
The ECO Store
They are effective, affordable and very responsive to our needs. We love being able to target specific areas of the county
Elva Correa
Easy Home CleaningFrom Our Blog

Visit Oxnard
May 20, 2022
Although urban life is getting a bad reputation, in some places where city life is as good as it gets, Oxnard is one of those

Visit Santa Barbara
May 4, 2022
Some places are exciting, but others feel magical. They can be a combination of all things. One is Santa Barbara, California. The most famous thing

Visit Ventura
April 28, 2022
If you want a place where you can just kick back and relax, Ventura is one of the best spots. The town is one of